What we can learn from Renée Zellweger’s Inborn Voice to improve our acting and our everyday life
As promised, here is a new training video.
I have received a lot of feedback over the social media about the first video preview and I would like to explain why I have started this interactive training video project about vocal coaching over Patreon.
First, a lot of people do not know, or worse they assume wrongly, what actually is a vocal coach. That’s mainly because of some TV show or Youtuber that features someone pretending to be a Vocal Coach. If you’re lucky they may just be singing teachers or musicians. The Vocal Coach is a specific professional figure that deal real voice training for acting, voice over, speaking, and yes, even high level singing. I am a bit of a maverick vocal coach as I tackle the voice all round, not only from the technical point of view but also from the emotional one. And this makes a huge difference in the outcomes, believe me.
Second is all about time and money. My time and your time are the most precious thing we have. With this project, I want to sacrifice a little of my time to amplify it just for you. In this way, every one of you will be able to work with me on a specific training at their own pace and I can give them a feedback for their progress! My time is limited and I already work online with 13 different timezones, so even if I would like to help more people, I can’t extend my working hours. And even if all this project is fast becoming a huge money investment from my side, this will help each of you to obtain real result at a bargain price!
Take a look at my Vocal Coaching Patreon page to discover how easy it is to train and interact with me online. Please leave me any feedback, so I can improve the next videos!
The second interactive training video I have made is about the Inborn Voice of the great actress Renée Zellweger. In this video, I will also review the evolution of her voice and career.
From Renée we can learn that our voice can obviously have the ability to improve and practice an accent, like the British one. The opposite is also very true. Anyone can remove an accent and better fit inside a different community or work environment.
We can learn also the ability to kid ourselves, to enjoy, to play while training. It’s important to be able to take things easy. It’s may be difficult to learn how not be afraid to look like the fool, the looser or the weird one, but is possible!
You will discover many new and different nuances in your voice if you start practicing a hesitant voice or an embarrassed one. If you really desire to act, you need to develop layers. Even the more subtle and light differences are very important. Try to reach your feelings and let them come out while relaxing your voice muscles. Acting is not about being too much shy, but anyone can learn how to avoid shyness.
We can learn also how to transform our voice to a rough one, to make it more masculine or more feminine. To make it more classy or spikier.
We can also learn how to be a supporting role, helping the acting of the others while expressing the characters’ emotions so well.
Finally we can learn how to express struggle, sadness and an aggressive voice. When people ask me, how it is possible to portray a character so full of emotions, my answer is clear. You need to feel these emotions by reaching your Inborn Voice. Your Inborn Voice is exactly the voice that never pretends, the voice that flow naturally what you feel inside. That’s why it’s so intense.
Here is a preview of What we can learn from Renée Zellweger’s Inborn Voice by Mylena Vocal Coach
I have separated the full video in seven different clips. While the full video is available to Patrons only, these clips will be FREE to anyone willing to take some glimpses on what to look for when training the voice for acting.
Here is Clip 1, extract from What we can learn from Renée Zellweger’s Inborn Voice by Mylena Vocal Coach.
The video will feature clips from these movies:
- Bridget Jones’s Diary at 1:39 (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id785798308)
- Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason at 4:32 (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id311048531)
- Bridget Jones’s Baby at 7:18 (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id1162242087)
- Cold Mountain at 13:11 (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id432472882)
- Judy at 17.0:03 (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id1481675759)
and the What We Can Learn section at 23:02.
The full video length is 37 Minutes.
You can find the script for practicing at ScriptCity or ScriptFly. Remember that the movie transcript is not a Script. The Script includes notes and things that are in acting but not in the words.
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