Free Vocal Coaching ebook about keeping your voice healthy
Milena Vocal Coach cares so much about voice health that she took the decision to write and give away this 100+ pages eBook that addresses Vocal Coaching, vocal hygiene and everything you need to avoid ruining your voice and vocal cords. You can download it for free directly from this page.

You've probably already watched or heard about Mylena Vocal Coach on TV (RAI, CNBC or Nove), or you've read one of her interviews on magazines and newspapers (ELLE, Il Sole 24 Ore or the voice of New York). If you want to know more about her, you can fig the section dedicated to the media coverage about Mylena Vocal Coach .
Milena cares so much about people's voice health that besides having already published two best-sellers like " The way of the Voice " and " Free your Voice ", she wants to gift everyone this 100 pages eBook about voice training !
If your looking to start voice training or your voice shows signs of failure, no longer responds to your controls or even worse, you don't recognize it as "yours" anymore, this guide is for you!
The ebook is packed with tips and advice derived from his over a thirty-year career as international vocal coach between Milan (IT), London (UK), Boston, New York and Los Angeles (USA
Today it is crucial to understand how to use your voice to better connect, empathize, socialize and make a career.
By reading this eBook you will be able to eradicate the false myths and the main pitfalls of DIY voice training, especially the ones through the Internet.
The ebook includes:
- Mylena's Vocal Coach Five Golden Rules
- 28 Practical tips
- 25 Testimonials stories
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