Mylena Vocal Coach interviewed by ELLE magazine

Mylena Vocal Coach has a three-page interview in the April issue of Elle magazine, explaining how her passion to be the most effective voice teacher in the world has led her to offer online lessons to clients on all continents. She truly is a “Voice Guru”.

The title of the interview is “In search of the Inborn Voice”, which is the voice “that everyone has ‘inside’ and would love – but we are not able to – let it emerge. Mylena Origgi, vocal coach from Boston, teaches how to find it again. This is not only for professional  singers or speakers. Everyone can free the inner vibration and discover their real essence’.


«Many people do not love their voice, maybe because they feel it sounds ‘unclear’ or ‘uncertain’. Voice can mislead personality: a ‘childish’ voice can be an issue if you are a CEO. If you have a shrill voice, everyone will mock you and you will be named forever as a ‘looser’, especially in the USA where competitions and challenges are ruling the society since preschool».

The inborn voice is the means to take back to the «’real’ voice, the one you had before all the social and cultural conditioning of the past. Inborn voice will let you wipe away all the defects that have ‘ruined’ your voice. After the training you will be able to express your emotions once again. Sometimes clients need just few lessons to reach their goal (like removing an accent), sometimes the path can be longer. My work is delivered in three different areas: technical, emotional and voice realignment. Your Inborn Voice is the one that lets you laugh or cry even when you are simply reading a book. Sometimes people are not able to explain why they are laughing  or crying. That’s because they are not able to understand the language of their Inborn Voice. The same apply for men and women that are hard or somber and not able to feel anymore emotions: they have simply buried so deeply their Inborn Voice that they are not even able to hear it as a whisper». 

«If you think that a Vocal Coach is useful only for singers, you are wrong. Voices sell, earn trust (if you are in business), and voices calm, caress. I have client ranging from teachers to therapists, from voice over artists to actors, from lecturers to youtube stars, retirees willing to overcome voice aging and even everyday moms that want to stop shouting to their loved kids».

If you click the Elle magazine cover image, you will be able to open a preview of the full interview!

If you want to dig more what is Inborn Voice and what to expect from Mylena’s Workshop, here is a little video:



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Inborn Voice shapes tomorrow's leaders.

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Learn more about Inborn Voice
and Mylena Vocal Coach:
  • Free eBook!
    The Art of Keeping a Healthy Voice

    You can purchase the book on Amazon or at any bookstore. We offer you the opportunity to download for free the ebook version of Mylena Vocal Coach " The art of keeping a healthy voice ": just follow carefully the instructions you will receive by email!

    The ebook includes: ● Mylena's Vocal Coach Five Golden Rules ● 28 Practical tips ● 25 Testimonials ●  and much more!

    Learn more
  • The Way of the Voice
    A secret is hiding on everyone’s lips

    Milena cares so much about the well-being and expressiveness of people that she has already written more than one book on how to use voice and free human interpersonal skills. Her latest book, the way of the voice, explains in simple and understandable words what it is and how to tap into one's inborn voice to drastically improve one's way of expressing oneself and experiencing life.

    Learn more
  • The Voice Guru
    the new book by Mylena Vocal Coach

    QThis book contains 16 life experiences that all have a common starting point: voice training with the Inborn Voice® method. They are all people who have sought Mylena to improve their personal, professional or social communication skills. Women and men of all ages and backgrounds who, by reclaiming the sound of their own voice, have managed to turn their lives around, literally rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

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  • Mylena Vocal Coach on Youtube
    A real Vocal Coach
    finally on Youtube

    Until now it was impossible to find a real vocal coach on youtube. Mainly you find singing teachers or critics who do not teach anything handy or who, even worse, invite you to experiment with techniques that are dangerous for the health of vocal cords. Mylena Vocal Coach makes available on her channel real vocal coaching paths suitable for anyone who wants to improve expressiveness and communication skills.

    Learn More
  • Inborn Voice Workshop with Milena Origgi
    Inborn Voice Workshops
    all around the World.

    Maybe your call is not for one to one lessons, but one-day event. Then our Workshop will be your deal. We run Workshops all over the world in big cities like Milano , London , Paris , New York , Los Angeles .

    Please contact us to be among the first to know when the next event near you is scheduled. Early birds save huge!

    Learn More


  1. Cristina
    March 30, 2018 at 02:30

    I have worked with Mylena since 2010 and Even if she has increased my singing capacity exponentially, she has helped me use my true voice in everyday life. Today I can speak for hours no interruptions and even sing a 3-hour ceremony in the church.
    She is THE vocal coach, the doctor, the spritual guru you are looking for.

  2. William Lahanas
    September 16, 2019 at 03:12

    Anyone can find this “inborn Voice” thing? How I do it?

  3. ruben
    September 17, 2019 at 03:47

    Is it possible to work with you?
    I really hate my voice!

  4. ru-chan
    October 20, 2019 at 08:46


  5. Shusan
    April 21, 2020 at 09:23

    I save this in my bookmarks, very nice internet site.

  6. Rauchel
    March 8, 2022 at 08:01

    I thank for the information.

  7. Kyottolena
    February 11, 2023 at 06:32

    WOW go Girl!

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