Do you know how to use the power of your voice?
Today was published a new Interview with Mylena Vocal Coach in Donna Moderna, this time focusing on the potential of the voice, which if used correctly to express emotions and moods, leads to great success and happiness in life.
You can to read the original Interview about Inborn Voice Vocal Coaching on DonnaModerna.
Here is the translation of the interview:
Do you know how to use the power of your voice?
Voice is not only valuable to singers and actors. Mylena Origgi, a very famous vocal coach explains here, and in a new book, how many emotions we can express simply by speaking. And why doing so helps us achieve success in life and at work.
From the popularity of podcasts to smart-working calls, to an audio-only social network like Clubhouse: there are many signs that voice communication is experiencing a new springtime. This stimulates us to (re)think about the relationship we have with voice. Let’s think about it: our debut in the world, our first wailing, is aural. Then, every day, and throughout our lives, we listen and speak, but we usually do so within a rigid mechanism, taken for granted.
Instead, Milena Origgi, a singer, professional songwriter and vocal coach from Lombardy who has been dividing her time between Boston, London and Milan for years, provides us with instructions on how to walk the path of the voice with surprise and success – as the title of her latest book suggests. Milena, known as Mylena Vocal Coach, has clients all over the world: singers and actors of course, but also youtubers and CEOs of companies, couples and parents and children. And she has recently given lessons on communication to the International Management course at the Catholic University and to Bocconi Alumni in Milan.
How many types of voices are there?
“There is no one voice that is identical to another, each one is an expression and testimony of our uniqueness.”
Is this why you created the Inborn Voice® method? Can you explain it to us?
“It is the result of 30 years of work and allows people to regain possession of their own voice, the one we were born with, which expresses the identity and essence of each of us, but which over time is “dirtied” by social and cultural conditioning. Many people tell me that they do not recognize themselves in their voice, they consider it hoarse or hesitant. They don’t hear it themselves and are unable to use it as they would like, with negative consequences for their social life. A “baby” tone can be a problem if you run a business. If you have a shrill voice, you get made fun of, especially in the US where everything is performance. I help people to regain their expressive abilities and to transmit emotions, enthusiasm and ideas to others with ease”.
“My work is centered around realigning the voice with the emotions that are present within us from birth. It’s a complex subject, but I’ll try to explain with an example: it’s a bit like wanting to play a guitar as if it were a violin. Until you return to your Inborn Voice, you will never be able to enjoy the thousands of nuances that a guitar is capable of, but you will remain unhappy with the poor quality of your violin.
What emotions can we express with the voice?
“So many: from joy to anger, from disgust to desire, from satisfaction to nostalgia. But until we find our true voice those potentials remain largely imprisoned.”
Can it help to take a public speaking course?
“Many of those courses, in my opinion, create communicative clones: you are set up with rules that tend to make us all the same.On the contrary, it is necessary to aim for a free and fluid communication, which puts both the speaker and the listener at ease.”
Is it a matter of technique?
“I would say no. When they have to give a speech many focus on words, diction, pauses, speed. But these aspects only have a 20% impact on the effectiveness of our communication. What counts is the paralinguistic, emotional area, which affects the remaining 80%. In my courses I start from the observation that the voice travels along sound waves and a key element is resonance”.
What role does it play?
“Resonance is something that amplifies. When the voice can express deep emotions it comes out stronger and more powerful, unrestrained and re-energized. It is able to involve and draw others in as well, with a further resonance effect, almost magnetic. Returning to the guitar, when you play it correctly, using your own emotions, it will sound better and will spread its harmony all around”.
With what consequences in relationships with others?
“Friendship or romantic relationships become more ‘real’ and intense. I often work with parents who have difficulty expressing their feelings to their children and with couples who have communication problems. On a professional level, if our deepest being is in tune with our voice, it can express authority and give the best of itself: the voice is our business card, our calling card.”
Is there any advice you can give us to educate our voice at any age?
“Learn to listen to it. It’s a first step to discovering and making the best use of your Inborn Voice. If your voice becomes weak or hoarse, for example, it is a symptom that you are using it poorly and should not be ignored. I also suggest recording yourself and listening to yourself again, keeping a vocal history file that allows you to note progress or deterioration.”
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and Mylena Vocal Coach:
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