Mylena Vocal Coach - International Executive Speaker Coach
My name is Milena Origgi and I was born in Italy. I became known worldwide as Mylena Vocal Coach and in the United States also as "the Voice Guru". I began my career at the age of five as a wonder child, thanks to my angelic voice able to move people. Since then I have always desired to explore and deepen the "magical" power of the voice, dedicating my entire life to this . Today I live and work mainly in the United States, between Boston , New York and Los Angeles , but I offer online lessons all over the world in English, French and Italian. I also know Spanish and Japanese.
Every year I travel back to Europe and Italy at least twice, usually in May/June and December/January. During those months I personally follow my most important local students and for more than 10 years I have been running my famous full-day workshops. The most popular ones are always London, Paris and Milan and I recommend everyone to attend at least once to experience first hand what I call our "inborn voice".
My Vocal coaching activities
I matured my experience as a Vocal Coach early on at an international level, working with the greatest managers and entrepreneurs throughout the United States, Europe and the rest of the world, quickly gaining an excellent reputation as an inspiring innovator in the pedagogy of executive vocal coaching .
My commitment has always been to spread my gift and my knowledge with everyone, and I never imagined that I would forever transform the field of Coaching (Vocal Coaching, Life Coaching, Executive Speaker and Business Coaching). Thanks to my intuitions, as simple as effective, I brought a wave of innovation to voice training, which had been stuck for over a century with ideas that did not even consider the presence of microphones and amplifiers. More than 30 years ago, after spending years in research and traveling to discover the different communication styles used around the world, I created Inborn Voice, an innovative and revolutionary vocal coaching method that enables everyone to return to communicating naturally, infusing the voice with the emotions and vibrations at the base of primordial, preverbal communication.
Since then, I have been fighting to give back to expressiveness the importance it deserves and to make people understand that vocal health is essential. There are still many preconceptions and ignorances that lead to the belief that a "beautiful voice" is a gift reserved for a select few, or worse, that in order to improve it, it is necessary to rely on obsolete techniques or vocalizations as well as musical scales. So many modern problems are linked to some communicative deficiency already present in parents that are passed on to their children and their children's children. None of these problems can find a solution in the technical side of phonation. For this reason I chose a long time ago, first Vocal Coach in the world, to give priority to the very essence of the voice: communication.
My accomplishments in Vocal Coaching
I have brought all my enthusiasm into every collaboration I have been involved in. It is not my habit to boast of my successes or to mention the names of my most prestigious students, because I prefer to be chosen for what I have to teach to many rather than for what I have achieved with few. Actually, I am proud to share with you some of the records I have been involved in.
I am the first Vocal Coach in the world to be appointed Topic Expert for a University (and I am still the only one). Specifically, I am the Topic Expert for the Communication Skills course at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. This is because the innovation represented by my work is also transforming the university community. Today I continue this collaboration for the training of the young managers of the future by actively participating in the creation of the Personal Development course of this (and others) University linked to the economic and financial world.
I was the first one (moreover a woman!) in the world to be awarded the Green Card for "Extraordinary Skills in Vocal Coaching and Vocal Awareness" by the United States. To understand the magnitude of this honor, you only need to know that it is commonly called the "Genius Green Card" because it is usually reserved for "geniuses" in physics and chemistry. One example for all: it was awarded to Albert Einstein.
I was the absolute pioneer in the field of distance learning, online. I worked with major corporations to develop, over 20 years ago, what everyone uses today to meet and learn online. At the time it was a need of my clients, today it is routine for me. In fact, I can boast over 25,000 Vocal Coaching sessions personally held online with students who live in thirteen different time zones . Thanks to this record, I have been able to mold my Inborn Voice method to the technical medium and not vice versa. This small detail makes all the difference in the world when it comes to the success of my work.
Finally, I have also been a pioneer in the field of AI (artificial intelligence) related to the realm of vocality. To date, these studies lead to interesting discoveries that will probably soon touch the daily lives of many people and are all mostly related to the medical aspect (detect in the voice the presence of diseases). I also urge you to be wary of those who have misrepresented this technology, against my advice, into a system for learning and improving the voice. These systems all create voices that are the same, with no identity!
Working with Me and the Inborn Voice Method
My one-to-one Vocal Coaching sessions cover vocal skills across the board, from presenting to leading, from acting to dubbing, from giving political speeches to preparing for interviews, from preparing a single performance to planning an entire world tour. I also offer my consulting services to companies that want to improve the efficiency of their Customer Service, their purchasing department or their international relations. Of course, I also have collaborators that I have certified for the Inborn Voice method and I continue to create new ones thanks to the academy that I manage.
I always offer everyone the opportunity to book a first personal assessment session directly with me, just follow the instructions on this page. If you prefer you can contact me by filling out the form at the bottom for any problem or request, I always answer personally, remember to check your spam folder!