Voice and expressiveness: The secret to success in life and business
Have you ever tried to change someone’s mindset or behavior, only to find yourself frustrated and disappointed? If yes, you are not alone. Many people waste time and energy trying to get others to see things their way or behave a certain way. But the truth is that people change only if they want to (if they really want to, I might add!).
What can one do in the face of this reality? How can one deal with the disagreements and disagreements that result from dealing with people who do not intend to change? The answer is as old as it is simple: you must focus on yourself. You must educate your communication skills (aka soft communication skills), that is, your listening skills, your speaking skills, and above all, your expressiveness. Only in this way will you be able to communicate your thoughts, feelings and needs in a way that will arouse others to want to change and follow you.
Why is the voice the most important part? Because the voice dominates expressiveness and is the tool by which you get in touch with the world, with other people. Both are the means by which you express your personality, your values, your opinions and your emotions. Just as importantly, they are the way you receive other people’s personalities, values, opinions and emotions! Soft communication skills are the basis of your ability to captivate others and wield considerable clout. The voice, the Inborn Voice, is the key to your personal and professional success.
But how can you educate your voice and expressiveness? You will find countless tips on this site, but the ones we highly recommend are:
- Rely on guidance and request feedback. By working with an Inborn Voice Coach you will receive continuous feedback and guidance tailored to improving your voice and expressiveness. You can also ask for constructive criticism and suggestions from friends, family or colleagues, but the result will be different. Only a trained Vocal Coach can discern between voice and expressiveness, and only an Inborn Voice Coach can include emotions in the equation.
- Expanding one’s vocabulary and knowledge. People unconsciously tend to use “greenhouse” language, i.e., frequently used words shared by people belonging to a homogeneous group that have a “particular” meaning. This system is mostly prevalent in order to recognize oneself and “feel” comfortable in conversation, but at the time when one has to become a leader, it is necessary to develop a rich and diverse vocabulary in order to juggle the different “greenhouses” with which one is going to interact. You cannot talk to shareholders in the same way you talk to an employee. When you become a true leader, you even create a new language, to strengthen the bond with the people who support you.
- Be authentic and passionate. The most important thing to remember when learning to use your voice and expressiveness is to be yourself. This is the worst mistake of many improvised executive voice coaches who teach copying the style and communication techniques of those who have become “good.” Rather, try to find your own vocality and style and use them to express your true self. Do not be afraid to show your passion and enthusiasm for what you claim. People are more attracted to your voice and expressiveness if they sense that you are authentic and sincere.
The sooner you realize that you cannot control others, the sooner you will understand why it is important to educate your communication skills.
But what happens when you encounter resistance or criticism from others as you try to express your vision? Or when you encounter people who do not listen to you or who disagree with you? How can you overcome the doubts and fears that stand in the way of realizing your vision?
You need to understand the emotions behind these resistances or criticisms, because it is emotions that drive people, not logic let alone psychology. Once you have learned to listen to the voice of others, you will be able to identify the emotions behind it and then propose your idea, your vision, reformulating it according to the paradigm of the emotions you are dealing with.
Clearly you need to go beyond the conventional and purely technical aspects of the voice and human expressiveness. If you want to discover and release the true potential of your voice, the one that connects you with your deepest self and with others, you will have to discover what your Inborn Voice is.
You can learn this from the most influential and innovative vocal coach of our time, Milena Origgi, aka Mylena Vocal Coach. According to Mylena, the Inborn Voice method is based on these key ideas and principles:
- Your voice is unique and unrepeatable. No one else has the same voice as you, because your voice is an expression of your identity, your history, your personality and your emotions. Your Inborn Voice is your fingerprint, your signature, your essence.
- Your voice is powerful and decisive. Your voice can move, persuade, inspire and touch others. Your voice can also influence your mood, health and well-being. Your voice can create, transform and heal.
- Your voice is natural and innocent. You were born with a voice perfectly suited to communicate with yourself and others. Your voice was free, expressive and authentic. Your voice reflects your Inborn Voice, just find it again.
- The voice can always be reclaimed. Throughout your life, you may have lost touch with your Inborn Voice, due to various factors such as trauma, stress, conditioning or habits. You may have adopted a vocality that is not your own, artificial, forced or limited. But you can regain your Inborn Voice by removing the obstacles that prevent it from expressing itself and reconnecting with your true self and emotions.
- The voice can be educated and improved. It is possible to train and improve voice and expressiveness not by following rigid and mechanical techniques or exercises, but also by listening to one’s own body, feelings and sensations. You can train and improve your voice and expressiveness not by imitating or copying someone else’s voice or style, but by finding and developing your own voice and style. It is possible to train and improve voice and expressiveness not by forcing or manipulating the voice, but by letting it flow naturally and harmoniously.
By following the Inborn Voice method, amazing results can be achieved, such as:
- Improve your personal and professional communication skills. You can communicate significantly more effectively and confidently, in any situation and with any audience. You can convey your message clearly, persuasively and convincingly. You can express your thoughts, feelings and needs without fear or hesitation. You can establish a relationship of trust and respect with others.
- Increase charisma and leadership. You can attract, inspire and influence others with your voice and expressiveness. You can make a positive and lasting impression on everyone you meet. You can motivate, guide and empower others to follow your vision and goals. You can become a leader in your industry and community.
- Improving health and well-being. You can improve your physical, mental and emotional health and well-being by using the voice as a tool for self-care and self-healing. You can free your body and mind from stress, tension and negativity. You can balance your energy and emotions. You can enhance your creativity and intuition. You can access your wisdom and inner peace.
If this article piques your curiosity, use the contact form below, or book your voice assessment session directly to find out right away what your communication skills are and how we can help you improve them.
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and Mylena Vocal Coach:
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I loved this article, I truly believe in the power of expressiveness!
Everything is very clear ans informative. Many thanks for sharing!
Well is a secret hidden on everyone’s lips :p
You express a key concept really clearly, good coach!