If only the world was more quiet, it will be easy to understand what is a real Inborn Voice
Almost every day I receive emails, messages and telephone calls from people interested in my work. Some are searching to improve their presentation skills, some are willing to give a boost to their career with some voice training, some are just searching to love their voices once again. But almost every one of them asks me a single question. What is this Inborn Voice I am always talking about?
When it comes to voice training, there are many ways to actually train people’s voices. The most frequent and abused one is “by repetition”. The coach will let you repeat endlessly some exercises with the promise to “improve” your voice in a few sessions. Most of the time your voice will change, that’s for sure. But change is not always an improvement.
My way of Vocal coaching is different. I listen to your voice, to your Inborn Voice, and I will help you get back the same voice, full of colors and energy, you had in the past when you were a very little child.
That’s not easy to explain as many people expect to train with similar vocal exercises they already know from movies or the tv show. I train them with exercises totally different, almost silent ones.
Last night I was watching the movie “I am legend” and I found something that may help you better understand what actually is what I call Inborn Voice.
Take the first step!
We offer world-class training to improve your personal, social and business communication skills. We specialize in presentations, leadership, media training, interviewing and Executive speaking.
Inborn Voice shapes tomorrow's leaders.
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and Mylena Vocal Coach:
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In tis quarantine the world seems to be more quiet, and I suppose I now I am ready to understand what really is an Inborn Voice!
God Bless You!