Workshop: Your voice, your identity – Paris December 08, 2024: Master your vocal expressiveness, love your voice and assert your identity
By Mylena Vocal Coach No comments yet Europe, Workshop
Master vocal expressiveness, love your voice, and affirm your identity.
08 December 2024
09:30 – 17:00 CET (Paris)
08 December 2024 – from 09:30am to 5:00pm
The workshop will take place in the center of Paris in a hotel easily accessible by metro/train/airplane.
Number of available seats
The event is limited to 25 partticipants.
Regular price €799.00
Workshop in English run and hosted by Mylena Vocal Coach.
On December 08, 2024, we will hold the next edition of the longest running Inborn Voice® workshop ever:
Voice, Identity and Personal Brand
. An intense full day dedicated to the Inborn Voice method to grow to love your own voice again, finding your own identity and defining your own Personal Brand.
The workshop will be hosted by Mylena Vocal Coach herself, who will arrive especially from Boston (USA), the city where she lives and works. Mylena is the creator of the Inborn Voice method, she collaborates with several universities in the world, including the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, where she obtained the role of Topic Expert in Communication and Personal Development. Her work has been presented by the main magazines, including ELLE, VOGUE, Millionaire, l’Impresa (Sole 24 Ore group), as well as by the main televisions.
The workshop is focused on the Inborn Voice method and the studies presented in the book “A secret is hiding on everyone’s lips”.
In this unique workshop, Mylena Vocal Coach will engage you with the most hidden part of your voice, until you touch the root of your true identity. The event is focused on experiencing first hand, through practical exercises, the holistic part of the Inborn Voice method. It is a new key to understanding the human voice that does not require any specific training or skills. Anyone can participate!
Water, pen and paper will be provided to all participants.
The only equipment needed is a yoga mat and/or blanket to practice on floor some activities.
Entry to the Workshop will require compliance with all current social and health regulations and will be granted only upon presentation of a valid GreenPass. If the in-person event is not permitted or recommended, the event will be rescheduled online, on the same day/time. You will receive all details once you begin registration.
To begin registration and request more information, you must fill out the
form below
Registration opening
Beginning of the Workshop with a welcome by Mylena Vocal Coach .
1 ½ hour lunch break.
Second part of the Workshop with Mylena Vocal Coach
Workshop Ends
Milena Origgi
aka Mylena Vocal Coach, has been fighting for more than thirty years to affirm the indissoluble bond that exists between the emotional sphere and voice.
She is the founder of Inborn Voice®, an innovative vocal coaching method that focuses on removing what has been learned so far that is counterproductive and hinders personal expressiveness, and not on teaching outdated and potentially dangerous speech techniques.
Born in Busto Arsizio ( Italy), she began her career with her first studio in Milan. Her fame then spread across the English Channel, leading her to open a second studio in London. Finally today she lives and works in her third studio in Boston (USA).
She has written several books and with her latest, ” The Way of the Voice: A secret is hiding on everyone’s lips “, explains why the Voice is the best kept secret of so many people who have achieved success in both their personal and professional lives.
How to enroll
Admission to the Workshop is open to all, but seats are limited. Once the maximum number of participants is reached, registrations will be closed.
Pre-registration is required, but not binding
: please fill out the
form below
. Once registered you will be contacted by our staff at the email address you entered, so make sure you wrote it correctly! You will receive via email all the details and information needed to complete the registration and book your seat.
01 December 2024 – 23:59 CET (Paris)
By attending, you expressly agree to all of our Terms and Conditions, especially those related to Privacy, which include the prohibition of online recording and dissemination of any of the event related content.
By attending the event, you confirm that you have understood, pursuant to Article 96 of Law 633 of 1941, that the photos and audio-video recordings, made as part of the event in question, are prohibited and / or that their dissemination by any technological means and for any purpose will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.
The Workshop is scheduled to be held in-person, but if that is impossible or not recommended, the event will still be held via online. You will receive more details via email once you have pre-registered.
01 December 2024 – 23:59 CET (Paris)
By attending, you expressly agree to all of our Terms and Conditions, especially those related to Privacy, which include the prohibition of online recording and dissemination of any of the event related content.
By attending the event, you confirm that you have understood, pursuant to Article 96 of Law 633 of 1941, that the photos and audio-video recordings, made as part of the event in question, are prohibited and / or that their dissemination by any technological means and for any purpose will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.
The Workshop is scheduled to be held in-person, but if that is impossible or not recommended, the event will still be held via online. You will receive more details via email once you have pre-registered.
Here some Linkedin Testimonials
Paris Pre-registration Form
Access to the course is
open to everyone.
The pre-registration is not binding.
All communication will be made to the email address you used to register.
You will not receive phone calls and we will send messages only in case of emergency.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are there any age limitations to participate in this event?
Minimum age is 16 years. Please contact us for any eventualities.
What transportation/parking options are available?
The hotel will be located close to the services of the Paris subway line, therefore easily reachable from railway stations or airports. Paying parking is also available in the area. Those who reach the hotel by car are invited to contact the hotel directly for the best parking strategy.
What to bring/not bring to the workshop?
You only need to bring a yoga mat or blanket, nothing else.
Is the ticket nominative?
The ticket is not named, but if someone comes in your place we need to be notified in advance.
Do I need to bring a printed copy of the ticket?
You don’t have to, the confirmation code, the email on your smartphone or an ID can also be fine.
Will I be reimbursed if I don’t attend the event?
No refund is due if the participant does not show up.
Will I be reimbursed if the event is cancelled?
You will only be refunded if the event is cancelled. If the event is held online, no refund will be due.
Take the first step!
We offer world-class training to improve your personal, social and business communication skills. We specialize in presentations, leadership, media training, interviewing and Executive speaking.
Inborn Voice shapes tomorrow's leaders.
Book your first online Voice Assessment session by clicking the button below!
Any questions? We'll get back to you!
Are you looking to improve your voice with individual lessons, classes, or have any questions?
Fill out the form below!
and Mylena Vocal Coach:
Free eBook!
The Art of Keeping a Healthy Voice
You can purchase the book on Amazon or at any bookstore. We offer you the opportunity to download for free the ebook version of Mylena Vocal Coach " The art of keeping a healthy voice ": just follow carefully the instructions you will receive by email!
The ebook includes: ● Mylena's Vocal Coach Five Golden Rules ● 28 Practical tips ● 25 Testimonials ● and much more!
The Way of the Voice
A secret is hiding on everyone’s lips
Milena cares so much about the well-being and expressiveness of people that she has already written more than one book on how to use voice and free human interpersonal skills. Her latest book, the way of the voice, explains in simple and understandable words what it is and how to tap into one's inborn voice to drastically improve one's way of expressing oneself and experiencing life.
The Voice Guru
the new book by Mylena Vocal Coach
QThis book contains 16 life experiences that all have a common starting point: voice training with the Inborn Voice® method. They are all people who have sought Mylena to improve their personal, professional or social communication skills. Women and men of all ages and backgrounds who, by reclaiming the sound of their own voice, have managed to turn their lives around, literally rising from the ashes like a phoenix.
A real Vocal Coach
finally on Youtube
Until now it was impossible to find a real vocal coach on youtube. Mainly you find singing teachers or critics who do not teach anything handy or who, even worse, invite you to experiment with techniques that are dangerous for the health of vocal cords. Mylena Vocal Coach makes available on her channel real vocal coaching paths suitable for anyone who wants to improve expressiveness and communication skills.
Inborn Voice Workshops
all around the World.
Maybe your call is not for one to one lessons, but one-day event. Then our Workshop will be your deal. We run Workshops all over the world in big cities like Milano , London , Paris , New York , Los Angeles .
Please contact us to be among the first to know when the next event near you is scheduled. Early birds save huge!
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