Communication Skills: get them right with 8 tips

Have you ever taken into account how many opportunities you miss every day because of your current Communication Skills? From the small ones, like greeting someone, to the biggest ones like closing a contract, it happens to everyone, even the best. The important takeaway is to start becoming aware of your weaknesses and seek the help of an Inborn Voice coach to strengthen them.

Through the Inborn Voice method it will be easy to improve or hone your interpersonal communication skills, even if you now think you don’t have them at all. We do not simplify the art of public speaking or self-expression by making it a kind of script to be machinically repeated over and over again. We don’t just teach tricks or techniques that will make you an identical copy of everyone else who has learned them. For us, your identity is the most important value for our coaches to invest their time in.

So what we do every day is to help you communicate and speak effectively. Effectiveness means reaching the heart, the feelings of your audience. A message capable of emotion remains remembered and resonates with people, while the repetition of such techniques and pauses like a robot bores them. Surely you must have heard someone extremely interesting and not even noticed or given any weight to the fact that they had an accent or perhaps some speech impairment. Indeed, technique is a plus, a nice touch, but it is not essential.

  1. Whenever you are given the opportunity to speak, consider the time you have more than the number of things you have to expound. In other words, it is more important to manage to communicate the heart of your message before you run out of time.
  2. Get into the habit of recording yourself. Today it is easy to do so with a smartphone. You can do it at any time, the important thing is to remind everyone else that you are doing it as well. It can also become a great conversation starter. Record yourself talking on the phone, face-to-face or even when speaking to several people. Do this for some time so you have a more objective understanding of your communication skills and where you should seek help to improve. Or book a voice assessment session and an experienced coach will save you a lot of time!
  3. Thanks to the recordings you also have a way to understand what and how many communication patterns you have and when you could have used a different one. Very often it happens to people that they address their children/partners as if they were dealing with a colleague or subordinate (or vice versa!)
  4. Seek to delegate. This advice may sound strange to you, but it is at the heart of anyone who possesses great communication skills. Those who fail to delegate are because they do not trust their abilities to clearly express their vision to others or their abilities to judge the correct delivery of the message by others.
  5. Avoid asking questions that lead to nothing but wasting time. Start asking questions that go immediately to the core of the issue, what you care about in any situation.
  6. It is important to be prepared at all times. If you know there is a meeting, appointment or any other event where you need to speak, be prepared. This is even more true if these meetings are cadenced regularly. Very often people talk just to fill time.
  7. Remember to always inform all persons involved by any agreement you have made. Do this verbally, not in writing.
  8. Meetings should be kept to a minimum and should be called only for exceptional circumstances. Those with good Communication Skills do not need to have meetings to make sure everyone involved is on the ball. Trust is essential and control freakery not the ultimate anti communication skills.

If you are not equipped with good communication skills, it is not easy to manage a single thing. If you would like to learn how Inborn Voice can help you and your company save time, and potentially a lot of money, contact us using the form at the bottom of the page!


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    The Art of Keeping a Healthy Voice

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    The ebook includes: ● Mylena's Vocal Coach Five Golden Rules ● 28 Practical tips ● 25 Testimonials ●  and much more!

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  • The Way of the Voice
    A secret is hiding on everyone’s lips

    Milena cares so much about the well-being and expressiveness of people that she has already written more than one book on how to use voice and free human interpersonal skills. Her latest book, the way of the voice, explains in simple and understandable words what it is and how to tap into one's inborn voice to drastically improve one's way of expressing oneself and experiencing life.

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  • The Voice Guru
    the new book by Mylena Vocal Coach

    QThis book contains 16 life experiences that all have a common starting point: voice training with the Inborn Voice® method. They are all people who have sought Mylena to improve their personal, professional or social communication skills. Women and men of all ages and backgrounds who, by reclaiming the sound of their own voice, have managed to turn their lives around, literally rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

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