What is Voice Coaching for executives and why developing personal brand is crucial

Coaching when aimed at top executives or would-be executives is aimed at both maximizing performance and mental and physical well-being. It is good to remember that the best executives choose this path not because they feel the desire to do so, but because they feel that no one else is capable of that task better than they are. It is equally good to remember that the main working tool of every executive is precisely his or her voice and ability to express ideas, visions, and directives.

An executive works closely with all others who have managerial responsibilities, which is precisely why the Executive Voice Coaching services we offer can be one-on-one or group-based. Inborn Voice coaches help develop skills such as communication soft skills, thereby improving leadership effectiveness and establishing a clear personal brand. To date, Inborn Voice is the undisputed leader in this field, offering executive coaching worldwide through online classes, and has its own locations in key cities such as Boston, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, London and Milano. Thanks to our more than 30 years of experience, we are considered to be trustworthy by the vast majority of executives belonging to the Fortune 500.

Know how to recognize the value of an executive coach

Executive coaching plays a crucial role in improving interpersonal communication, conflict management and leadership skills through personalized guidance and the development of strategies suited to each and every one’s particular situation. A key aspect of Inborn Voice executive coaching is the focus on vocal expressiveness and proper transmission of emotions, which is even more essential for effective leadership in high-level positions.

When you have been an executive for some time it is really easy to understand the value of a coach, but when you are trying to advance your career, things are not so simple. Prioritizing one’s job role often negatively affects family and romantic relationships. Inborn Voice Coaches place great emphasis on developing communication strategies that also consider personal and social life as part of team development that can lead to successful outcomes. This detail is extremely valued by our clients, and surely you can understand why, too.

Types of executive coaching we provide

Executive coaching for managers, like all coaching at Inborn Voice, has no specific form as we always customize our approach to fit the specific needs of each person and his or her socio-cultural background. Regardless, we display some coaching strategies aimed at improving leadership skills, fostering effective team dynamics, and guiding toward a type of success that is not only about quantity, but also about quality.

One-on-one coaching

One-on-one coaching focuses on developing soft communication skills related to interpersonal communication, addressing weaknesses from the most concealed to the most bothersome, turning them into strengths and areas for growth. This one-on-one approach allows clients to focus on their goals and challenges without forgetting other aspects of their lives, leading to personal and professional growth.

Team coaching

Team coaching focuses on the collective growth and performance of the executive team as a whole. Our training facilitates collaboration, communication, and through improved expressiveness of one’s deepest emotions, enhances trust, promoting interpersonal relationships and a peaceful work environment that will then also be reflected in all social aspects of team members’ lives.

Combination coaching approaches

Combined coaching approaches are the most popular among executives on the Fortine 500 list. They integrate individual and group coaching to create a comprehensive development strategy. This holistic approach is unique to Inborn Voice and leverages both personal growth and group dynamics. This type of training is so successful that its positive effects then naturally spill over into the rest of the company and even personal friendships.

The added value of executive voice coaching toward personal growth

Inborn Voice executive coaching plays a crucial role in personal growth and measuring it on a personal level is always very difficult, partly because each person assigns a different value to quality of life and quality of personal relationships, while it is easy to measure the Return on Business Investment. In fact, the work done with the Inborn Voice method produces measurable returns, as shown by the data collected from our clients that reach peaks as high as 700%, when we also consider the retention and productivity of employees who choose not to change jobs because they, too, value the quality of life that can be achieved by working in a peaceful environment.

In the end, Inborn Voice coaching helps to create a positive organizational culture by improving employee morale and promoting a work environment conducive to innovation and growth in the work side, and to improve the quality of family/sentimental/social relationships outside the work environment as well.

Use the contact form below to find out how we can help you and your company improve the business with meaningful Inborn Voice training.


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We offer world-class training to improve your personal, social and business communication skills. We specialize in presentations, leadership, media training, interviewing and Executive speaking.
Inborn Voice shapes tomorrow's leaders.

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Learn more about Inborn Voice
and Mylena Vocal Coach:
  • Free eBook!
    The Art of Keeping a Healthy Voice

    You can purchase the book on Amazon or at any bookstore. We offer you the opportunity to download for free the ebook version of Mylena Vocal Coach " The art of keeping a healthy voice ": just follow carefully the instructions you will receive by email!

    The ebook includes: ● Mylena's Vocal Coach Five Golden Rules ● 28 Practical tips ● 25 Testimonials ●  and much more!

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  • The Way of the Voice
    A secret is hiding on everyone’s lips

    Milena cares so much about the well-being and expressiveness of people that she has already written more than one book on how to use voice and free human interpersonal skills. Her latest book, the way of the voice, explains in simple and understandable words what it is and how to tap into one's inborn voice to drastically improve one's way of expressing oneself and experiencing life.

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  • The Voice Guru
    the new book by Mylena Vocal Coach

    QThis book contains 16 life experiences that all have a common starting point: voice training with the Inborn Voice® method. They are all people who have sought Mylena to improve their personal, professional or social communication skills. Women and men of all ages and backgrounds who, by reclaiming the sound of their own voice, have managed to turn their lives around, literally rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

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  • Mylena Vocal Coach on Youtube
    A real Vocal Coach
    finally on Youtube

    Until now it was impossible to find a real vocal coach on youtube. Mainly you find singing teachers or critics who do not teach anything handy or who, even worse, invite you to experiment with techniques that are dangerous for the health of vocal cords. Mylena Vocal Coach makes available on her channel real vocal coaching paths suitable for anyone who wants to improve expressiveness and communication skills.

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  • Inborn Voice Workshop with Milena Origgi
    Inborn Voice Workshops
    all around the World.

    Maybe your call is not for one to one lessons, but one-day event. Then our Workshop will be your deal. We run Workshops all over the world in big cities like Milano , London , Paris , New York , Los Angeles .

    Please contact us to be among the first to know when the next event near you is scheduled. Early birds save huge!

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