This is the fourth video I release about this new exclusive series on Patreon. If you missed the previous ones, just go to my new Vocal Coaching videos page. All of them will be in English, with captions!
This time I will talk about the Inborn Voice of Julia Roberts. I have received many feedbacks via email already, but I encourage you to leave them public, like commenting on Youtube or on this post. In this way many other people will be able to see my answer. I encourage you also to share this content on your social media. Never forget that sharing is one of the the only power you still have in this modern era!
You can get some of the old video training I have released on my Mylena Vocal Coach Youtube Channel. Just remember to subscribe and activate the little bell to be among the first to know when I will release a new video, maybe the next one will be this one!
Continue reading…As you may have already noticed, I have recently opened a new vocal coaching training group project over Patreon. This has raised several inquiry emails interested in my online Vocal Coaching “Masterclasses”. The number one question I receive is “What can I learn from a Vocal Coaching Masterclass ?”.
As people seem quite confused about what should be searching to learn in a Masterclass, I’ve decided to write this post to explain, according to my personal experience, should be present in a Masterclass and what should be considered a scam instead.
Continue reading…This is the third video I release on my new Patreon page. If you missed the previous two, just go to my new Vocal Coaching videos page. All of them will be in English, with captions!
This time I have selected a different approach to the Inborn Voice topic, the one related to the business and finance world. We all have to make a living and there is always something new to learn from the others, especially from the great people we have the luck to meet and work with, like Kenneth Griffin.
You can get some of the old video training I have released on my Mylena Vocal Coach Youtube Channel. Just remember to subscribe and activate the little bell to be among the first to know when I will release a new video, maybe the next one will be this one!
Continue reading…As promised, here is a new training video.
I have received a lot of feedback over the social media about the first video preview and I would like to explain why I have started this interactive training video project about vocal coaching over Patreon.
First, a lot of people do not know, or worse they assume wrongly, what actually is a vocal coach. That’s mainly because of some TV show or Youtuber that features someone pretending to be a Vocal Coach. If you’re lucky they may just be singing teachers or musicians. The Vocal Coach is a specific professional figure that deal real voice training for acting, voice over, speaking, and yes, even high level singing. I am a bit of a maverick vocal coach as I tackle the voice all round, not only from the technical point of view but also from the emotional one. And this makes a huge difference in the outcomes, believe me.
Continue reading…Mylena has released numerous interviews and TV training videos over the years, and now she is releasing a brand new and exclusive series of Videos over Youtube and Patreon.
Mylena Vocal Coach training videos are not cheesy, they dig right into the session and they deliver exactly what people ask: a solid training that the audience can value and take home.
Each Video has a clear goal in mind, and as Mylena has the experience to know what her students need more to focus to improve in a short period of time, she teaches her viewers how to reach a specific goal with proper training, and without any time wasted.
Continue reading…
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Inborn Voice shapes tomorrow's leaders.
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